Steven O’Reilly has been a musician for 35 years and he, along with his friends, have some great stories. Listen on Thursday, or whenever he feels like releasing a show to stories that are full of opinions, heavy sarcasm and a lot of truth; you can’t make this sh*t up! If you want a look into the lives of working musicians, The Bar Star Podcast is the show for you... Lit’trally.

Thursday Apr 28, 2022
BS with Ron Zebron
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
I'm finally back with a new episode! On today's show, I hang with my guitar player in Soul Circus Cowboys, Ron Zebron. We talk about his music path, being in one band for 20 years, how he wound up in Florida and getting into SCC. There's so much we covered that we will do another episode in the future! I have the pleasure of playing Ron every night and hanging with him on the show was just a s cool.
You can find Ron here…
And you can find Soul Circus Cowboys here…
And as always, you can find me here...
And you can email the show for any questions, comments or concerns. barstarpodcast@gmail.com

Monday Feb 21, 2022
BS with Natalie Mustang
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Here’s a new episode! Today on the show, I have the amazing Natalie Mustang who is now my sister: we adopted each other an hour after we met. Natalie is the drummer for the band NoFilter from the Tampa area. We met and clicked instantly and became fast friends. We talk about that of course, her musical journey and how our lives, musically and personally are almost a mirror. So, I had to have her on the show and what a blast we had! And I did something on this show that I’ve never done and it was a ton of fun!!
You can find Natalie here…
And NoFilter here…
And you can find Soul Circus Cowboys here…
And as always, you can find me here...
And you can email the show for any questions, comments or concerns. barstarpodcast@gmail.com

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
No BS with Lance Eric of Bang Tango
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
I'm back! Today on the show, Lance Eric returns and has some things to get off his chest. There's been some rumors, online mud slinging, name calling and high school drama being thrown his way. He reached out to me to have a conversation about it and that's what we did. There's some interesting things we discuss and as always, I learn a thing or two and give my own thoughts & opinions to Lance's situation.
You can find Lance here...
And as always, you can find me here...
And you can email the show for any questions, comments or concerns. barstarpodcast@gmail.com

Thursday Apr 15, 2021
BS with Danny Murphy
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
So I finally have a new episode! Today on the show, I have a cool hang with my buddy, Danny Murphy. Danny is a monster drummer from Louisville who now loves in FL. He's been in some great bands over the years, has dome some cool gigs, has a great personality and doesn't have social media. Yup, that's right; no social media. We get into all that stuff as well his drumming journey, projects he's been in and how much he loves music.
He's in a band called Half Ton Hammer and you can find them here...
Since we all have extra time on our hands, be sure to check out some older episodes and check out my YouTube channel. It has all my past episodes as well as some cool drum videos.
And as always, you can find me here...
And you can email the show for any questions, comments or concerns. barstarpodcast@gmail.com

Thursday Oct 22, 2020
BS Goes to Tampa... Lit'trally
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Here's a short show for now full of silly words. I talk about Tampa, FL, how I got here, the future of the show and share some stories of the journey thus far with my partner in crime, my awesome wife, Staci.
Since we all have extra time on our hands, be sure to check out some older episodes and check out my YouTube channel. It has all my past episodes as well as some cool drum videos.
And as always, you can find me here...
And you can email the show for any questions, comments or concerns. barstarpodcast@gmail.com

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
BS with Adam Seymour
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
It's been a while, but here's a brand new episode. Today's show is a departure from music and my normal topics as I have some deep conversations with my friend, Adam Seymour. Adam has a deep outlook on life and we talk about all kinds of various issues of the human psyche. He has found a way to quiet the noise and be at peace and love within himself. We also get into relationships and the feelings that surround relationships. This episode was very cool for me as well as eye opening and I really think you're going to dig it.
*DISCLAIMER* This episode has almost nothing to do with music. We talk a lot about feelings, emotional triggers, mental health, sexuality and the human condition.
You can find Adam here...
And a brand new page Adam just started...
Since we all have extra time on our hands, be sure to check out some older episodes and check out my YouTube channel. It has all my past episodes as well as some cool drum videos.
And as always, you can find me here...
And you can email the show for any questions, comments or concerns. barstarpodcast@gmail.com

Friday Jun 19, 2020
BS with Brian Christopher Mendes
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
I know, it's weird! I'm posting a show on Friday. But I could not wait another week to release this episode; it's just too good. Today, I hang with Brian Christopher Mendes. Brian is a drummer out of Austin, TX and a couple years ago, he had a video he made as a joke go viral. He's been a drummer for more than 30 years, and does tons of session work in the Austin area. He's got a cool story, an amazing sense of humor and some very interesting outlooks on music and drumming. I reached out to Brian and we had one of the coolest conversations. Since we'd never met before, we just talked about all kinds of music stuff as if we were sitting in a bar having a beer. This episode was a lot of fun and it may be one of my personal favorites.
You can find Brian here...
Since we all have extra time on our hands, be sure to check out some older episodes and check out my YouTube channel. It has all my past episodes as well as some cool drum videos.
And as always, you can find me here...
And you can email the show for any questions, comments or concerns. barstarpodcast@gmail.com

Thursday May 21, 2020
BS with Lance Eric
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
On the show today, I have a great conversation with Lance Eric. Lance is the bass player for Bang Tango as well as his own project, Color Of Chaos plus a few more. Lance is a laid back dude and we talk all kinds of music stuff including the current state of gigging, different cities' music scenes, touring and Lance gives me a geography lesson since I'm kind of slow. Lance also has cool stories about playing overseas and how he may or may not have made a famous musician a little upset.
You can find Lance here...
Since we all have extra time on our hands, be sure to check out some older episodes and check out my YouTube channel. It has all my past episodes as well as some cool drum videos.
And as always, you can find me here...
And you can email the show for any questions, comments or concerns. barstarpodcast@gmail.com

Thursday May 14, 2020
BS with Jake Badger Part 2
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
Here is Part 2 of the 2 part hang with the awesome Jake Badger. Jake is a drummer in Louisville and he has his hands in all kinds of stuff making him a busy dude. He recently opened Trio Production House, (formerly LMS), he plays for several different projects, works with law enforcement and is a dad! Even with a full plate, he still carved out some time to hang with me and we talk about all kinds of stuff including how the current world situation has affected his life. We finish up his musical journeys from last week and have the conversation about losing his dad to COVID-19 and the impact of that.
You can find Jake here and there are several links to all of his other pages (there's a lot) on his main facebook and Instagram pages.
Since we all have extra time on our hands, be sure to check out some older episodes and check out my YouTube channel. It has all my past episodes as well as some cool drum videos.
And as always, you can find me here...

Thursday May 07, 2020
BS with Jake Badger Part 1
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
This week is Part 1 of a 2 part hang with the awesome Jake Badger. Jake is a drummer in Louisville and he has his hands in all kinds of stuff making him a busy dude. He recently opened Trio Production House, (formerly LMS), he plays for several different projects, works with law enforcement and is a dad! Even with a full plate, he still carved out some time to hang with me and we talk about all kinds of stuff including how the current world situation has affected his life. We also get into how and when he got his start playing music and he's got some highly amusing stories just for our entertainment.
You can find Jake here and there are several links to all of his other pages (there's a lot) on his main facebook and Instagram pages.
Since we all have extra time on our hands, be sure to check out some older episodes and check out my YouTube channel. It has all my past episodes as well as some cool drum videos.
And as always, you can find me here...